AEON BIZ column





It’s common in conversations to run out of things to say. In those situations, it can be difficult to keep the conversation going. You can continue the conversation by changing the topic. For example:
‘By the way, how was your vacation?’
‘Speaking of seafood, have you been to Tsukiji?’
‘Did you hear about the new manager?’
Also, if there was something you wanted to discuss, but didn’t have the chance to talk about yet, you can use some of these phrases:
‘I just remembered, can we talk about next week’s party?’
‘That reminds me, I have to talk to you about the meeting next Monday.’
So please, use these phrases when you want to change the topic. That reminds me, have you been studying English every day?
By the way, how was your vacation?’ ところで、休暇はどうだったんですか。
Speaking of seafood, have you been to Tsukiji?’ シーフードと言えば、築地に行ったことはありますか。
Did you hear about the new manager?’ 新しいマネージャーについて聞きましたか。
‘I just remembered, can we talk about next week’s party?’ 今思い出したんですけど、来週のパーティの話をしてもいいですか。
‘That reminds me, I have to talk to you about the meeting next Monday.’ それで思い出したんですけど、来週月曜の会議のことでお話ししたいんです。


まずはお気軽にご相談ください! 課題や目的に合わせた最適な


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