Have you ever tried explaining a thought or an idea to someone but ended up confusing them? Maybe you made a mistake when communicating. Maybe you had too much information for the other person to understand. When that happens, it is often best to briefly summarize your thoughts into a few simple words. When doing this, you can use the phrase ‘In a nutshell’.
This expression is used to give the essence of your thoughts. Here’s an example:
“Our company is struggling to maintain its professional standard due to low employee morale. In a nutshell, our employees are not happy.”
Communication is important in any situation and making sure you are understood is the best way to have effective communication. Therefore, putting your words in simpler terms can be helpful for others. By using this expression, I’m sure you will have no problem communicating your ideas clearly.
自分の考えやアイデアを誰かに説明しようとして、相手を混乱させてしまったことはありますか。伝える時に言い間違えたのかもしれないし、情報が多すぎて理解してもらえなかったのかもしれません。そういう場合は、自分の考えを簡単な言葉で要約するのが一番です。要約して伝える時は、in a nutshell (要約して言えば、要するに)という表現が使えますよ。
“Our company is struggling to maintain its professional standard due to low employee morale. In a nutshell, our employees are not happy.”