There will be situations where co-workers will ask for your opinion on difficult topics such as politics or religion and it might be difficult to come up with a response. In these situations, you can use these phrases to help you: ‘I don’t have an opinion on that.’ ‘I’d rather not say.’ ‘I don’t know enough about the topic to comment.’ ‘I don’t feel comfortable talking about that.’ If you want to change the topic you can say: ‘Could we talk about something else?’ With these expressions, you will come across as polite and respectful, but most importantly, honest. So next time you encounter this situation about a specific topic, just ask to talk about something else. (訳) 政治や宗教などの難しいトピックについて同僚に意見を求められると、何と答えていいか難しいことがありますよね。 そんな時に使えるフレーズを紹介しましょう。 ‘I don’t have an opinion on that.’ それについては特に意見はありません。 ‘I’d rather not say.’ 言いたくありません。 ‘I don’t know enough about the topic to comment.’ 意見を言えるほどそのトピックについてはよく知りません。 ‘I don’t feel comfortable talking about that.’ それについて話すのは気が引けます。 話題を変えたいときは、こんな風に言いましょう。 ‘Could we talk about something else?’ 別な話をしませんか。 このような表現を使うと、丁寧さが伝わり、そして何より大切ですが、誠実さが伝わります。